POINTS OF INTERESTUrban architecture › Alšovo Square

Alšovo Square

The locals know this place as the Small Square. During the Middle Ages this was most likely the central square of the town. The royal reeve was located here as well as several representative burgher homes. The eastern side is decorated by the beautiful facade of the former schoolhouse with symbols of applied sciences, nowadays a modern Municipal Library. Next to it used to be the renowned hotel At the Golden Wheel, while across the street is a neorenaissance corner house built in 1890 for the needs of the Civic Credit Union, now the polyclinic.

A fountain stood on the square until 1901, and the Marian Plague Pillar still reminds us of the great plague of 1713. The pillar is adorned at the top with a statue of Virgin Mary the Immaculate. The square ballustrade holds statues of nine other saints. Ever year on the Sunday following June 8, a parade leads here, celebrating the liberation of the town from French occupants in 1742, known as the Town Festival.
