PRODUCTS › Short family trips

Short family trips

If you are in Písek with children, we recommend you to see the interactive exhibitions in the Malthouse or in the neighbouring Museum of Prácheň where you can see, among other things, live fish. You are sure to appreciate the number of local modern playgrounds as well as cycletracks leading along the Otava River, in the down-stream direction to Sulan, upstream past Smeták to Švejk's Putim or to the adjacent village of Smrkovice.

Mouflons in the game enclosure in the location U Vodáka, on the edge of Písek Hills, are very popular with visitors.

You can also set out for the unique Fairytale Blacksmith's Shop in Selibov. Nearby Protivín offers live crocodiles or the magical Zelendárky landscape with ponds and picturesque villages. In addition, you can see animals in the Animal Rescue Centre Makov, near the village of Čížová or a small animal station in Putim.
